Do not take down your hummingbird feeder yet. Their migration is not correlated to feeders being available! In fact, feeders can help fuel migrants moving through.
Migrating Brown Creepers, Ruby-crowned and Golden-crowned Kinglets appear near the end of the month.
Eastern Monarch Butterflies continue their migration south from Ontario.
Using their antlers, male Moose start to fight for females.
Little and Big Brown Bat mating seasons complete
Final egg laying for the Eastern Monarch Butterfly.
Ruby-throated Hummingbirds migrate through Southern Ontario through September.
Blackbird (grackles, cowbirds and redwings) flocks can number in the thousands.
Most hummingbirds depart by the end of month.
Robins are in large flocks, feeding on crab apples.
Broad-winged Hawk migration peaks mid- to late-month.